Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Zoo!

Wow, was it hot today! However, I decided Aiden and I needed to go to the zoo. I am glad we did. It wasn't too crowded, just right, and some of the animals were active earlier on the in the day.

Aiden decided he was hungry right away, so before we started looking at the animals he needed to eat his carrots:

The guerrillas were active this morning chasing each other around. But the Orangutans were quiet and sitting in the shade. I wonder if we were watching this one, or if he was watching us...they aren't the best pictures, but his facial expression was great and he loved the camera. He looked right at me when I put the camera to my face:

Here, Aiden wants to give you a hug...
There are two baby giraffes at the zoo...they are trying to keep cool:
Aiden got tired and decided it was time to nap:

I think the mountain lion had the same idea:

But the African Lions were really relaxed:

The polar bears were trying to keep cool:

By the time we left it was very hot and Aiden was ready to go...I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our zoo trip!

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