Friday, July 20, 2007

Our Trip to Arizona and the Grand Canyon

Finally! I finally have a moment...

So, last Thursday Stephen, Aiden and I went to Flagstaff, AZ to get Meredith and Devin from my parents. It was so nice to see the kids, and I didn't want to let them go! I swear they grew a couple of inches while they were away.

We had dinner at a great restaurant/ brewery called Beaver Street Brewery and Whistle Stop Cafe: . If you are in the Flagstaff area, I highly recommend it!

The next morning we got up early, said goodbye to my parents and went off to the Grand Canyon. Here is what we saw first:

The other side of the canyon is five to eight miles across, and the depth is about a mile down. It is incredible!

Aiden got hungry, so he, Devin and I raced back to the car so I could feed him. Stephen and Meredith took their time. Here is a picture of Meredith with the canyon behind her. She said standing so close made her nervous. I think I might have been nervous too...

Here is a fun little picture of Devin's beautiful eyes (sorry, just a little biased, right?!):

Here are a couple more pictures of the Canyon:

You can see the Colorado River in this picture. It was taken through glass at the Yavapai Overlook.

After a couple of hours it was time to head home. We had a great time, though, and next time we visit (we are about six hours away) I want to go hiking.

For lunch we went back to Flagstaff and ate at the Beaver Street Brewery again...yum! But when we got there, Meredith was asleep and we had to wake her up.

The drive was pretty uneventful until we hit New Mexico and the afternoon showers were starting. We went through one that produced thunder, lightning, and a lot of hail.

We finally got into Albuquerque after nine p.m. It was very nice to be home and have the family complete again.

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